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Mayfield Brain Spine | Cincinnati, Dayton, Northern KentuckyMayfield physicians specialize in treating complex spine problems, brain tumors, stroke, aneurysms, movement disorders, and other neurological diseases.
Contact Us | Horizon InfusionsInterested in moving your infusion or injection therapy to us? Contact us! If you need to schedule a follow-up appointment, please call your local Horizon Infusions center.
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Horizon Infusions: Ohio's Largest and Most Experienced Infusion TherapHorizon Infusions is Ohio's most expansive infusion center network providing expert, compassionate, and affordable infusion therapy for patients with chronic conditions.
Horizon Infusions - Cleveland Infusion and Injection CenterLocated in Mayfield, this Horizon Infusions center provides convenient intravenous and subcutaneous therapies to treat a variety of chronic conditions.
Horizon Infusions - Athens Infusion and Injection CenterLocated in Athens, this Horizon Infusions center provides convenient intravenous and subcutaneous therapies to treat a variety of chronic conditions.
Horizon Infusions - Columbus Center, Infusion and Injection TherapyConveniently located just off of Route 23 in Columbus, Ohio, this Horizon Infusions center provides convenient intravenous and subcutaneous therapies. IV Drip therapy in Columbus.
Horizon Infusions - Akron Infusion and Injection CenterLocated in Fairlawn, this Horizon Infusions center provides convenient intravenous and subcutaneous therapies to treat a variety of chronic conditions.
Columbus (East Broad) | Horizon InfusionsHorizon Infusions' facility on East Broad Street provides infusion and injection therapy for patients living with chronic and rare diseases.
Dayton (Beavercreek) | Horizon InfusionsHorizon Infusions' Dayton facility provides IV infusion and injection therapy for patients living with chronic and rare diseases.
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